A unique siliqua of Delmatius
Los 2759
Delmatius, Caesar, 335-337. Siliqua (Silver, 19 mm, 3.06 g, 12 h), celebrating Constantine I's tricennalia, Rome, July 336. Laureate head of Delmatius to right. Rev. FL DELMATIVS NOB C / R Three palm fronds; above, star. Ramskold, Interregnum (2021), p. 397, fig. 5A (this coin). Ramskold in review (Numismatic Chronicle), fig. 24C. RIC -. RSC -. Apparently unique. Holed and with some horn silver on the reverse, otherwise, about very fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, formed since 1969.

This unique and important siliqua, which belongs to the second tricennial emission, is crucial to establishing the dates and order of the tricennial R and PR emissions of Rome. It also shows that Constantine II Caesar did strike coins for Delmatius (contra Burgess 2008), and that, no matter what feelings Constantine's sons harbored against the new Caesar, Delmatius was treated as their equal in the coinage.
200 CHF
1300 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 13-Mar-23, 17:41:30 CET
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